Sep 9, 2014

one matter at a time.

"you've spent your whole life looking for the truth but sometimes the truth just sucks." - Dr Park, House S08E21.

that's it. so random as random as my life at the moment and so this post of mine. *clears throat* *breaks fingers* *circles neck* *corrects line of vision*

shall we start?


everything was so spontaneous lately. from the decision making of either to take bath at 11.30 AM or 11.45 AM, having a breakfast or lunch or brunch instead, either to drink coffee after dinner or not or just make a hot cup of vico, go for a jog early in the morning or roughly after 5 PM until should I go back early to Egypt cause I don't wanna skip more classes when new term starts or let me just have another month of holidays cause I will probably be back to Malaysia not as usual time as during the festive time, or should I just finish my med school, graduate, complete my 2-years-internship/housemanship then decide either to continue practicing medicine & if only I feel like quitting (don't get me wrong. I do enjoy studying medicine. only the matter of applying the facts onto living humans makes me have the reverberation of hesitations) then I will pursue things I feel kinda into like psychology or start writing stuff (only the problem is I don't know - I haven't yet discovered - the passage in writing career that I can do for a living).

so random & spontaneous that I could even feel all my limbs were all numb while the head obtrusively invaded by the cunning invaders.

pardon my thoughts. I'll try fix them soon, one matter at a time.


oh, someone shared this on twitter. hopefully it might spark the long-lost enthusiasm inside of whosoever ;)