Jul 31, 2018


Why do I feel so alone in this journey?

5 days to go before our program induksi, and suddenly I feel so not ready. It feels like something is eating me up inside and biting every piece of fiber in me.

Less than 2 weeks after, I'll be starting my job as a junior doctor. It took me few days to finally get myself composed after I got my placement and since then I was so accepting of the fact that, "I am now a government servant and my number one job is to save people's lives".

But now I am left with 5 more days and suddenly I'm stuck with some part during the process of completing my forms that I need to submit when I lapor diri. Like, is this a sign? If this is a sign then what should I do with this information? How should I react? How should I process with this kind of situation?

Clearly I'm lost.
I am so lost.

But when you're lost then that is the point where you need to seek for help. You need to have your plan B. This is a very critical moment, all I need is to not be distracted far away from my main focus.

I have plans for each day towards the day of induksi but because of this one thing, I can't proceed of what next in the list.

I just hope that this is not a bad sign after all.

Maybe it's one of those little things--troublesome--and the main reason of its existence is to train me on how I would handle such situation and would I be ever to cope with the pressure that comes hand in hand with it.

O Lord, guide me out from this confusion.
O Lord, ease my journey.